Edval’s online student portal makes capturing student selections simple. No more messy paper forms or data entry! Student Choices is easy to use, safe and secure.
Integrates with Edval
Uploads preference 'forms' from the Edval file to the Edval webserver where students log in to and submit their preferences
Pulls student subject preferences directly into the Edval timetable file
Set rules, constraints and prerequisites for courses within Edval
Student Selection
Captures student subject selections preferences, including reserves via an online interface
Ensures students select the correct number and type of subjects to meet school specified curriculum requirements as set in Edval
Records time of student selection submission
Supports multiple streams/forms
Can be used for sport selections, prefect voting and permissions
Safe and secure
Provides a secure web-based interface for students
Students receive webcodes to view their own timetable (including daily changes) and access their Webchoice forms
Get in touch with our friendly team to learn more.